A lone survivor and a hulking alien try to outwit each other in this competitive horror game!
Worked as Producer and UI/UX Artist
Created using Adobe Photoshop
Invicta Vitae, a 1v1 asymmetrical survival horror game, will pit two players against each other in a battle of wit and chase. Whether you are fighting for your life or chasing after your meal, only one comes out alive. CW for blood, bugs, and mentions of death/self-harm.
Progress Shots + Final Design
Scrapped loading screen. Concept of a damaged device was reused for the end screens and the tablet aesthetic was used for the Terminal to display objectives and the map for the Survivor
Scrapped HUD, player was to have a BPM reader that would go up if they came near the monster and a battery meter for their flash light
Initial Win end screens. Depending on which player won, the appropriate screen would display on both players' ends
Mapping out what elements needed to be on the Main Menu screen and visual display
Scrapped concept of Survivor's HUD, player would have had a arrow/compass that lead them to each intractable item needed to win the match as well as an inventory to store said items
Original concept of the Survivor's HUD; player would see their health, time left in the game, and the four items they needed to interact with to win the match during gameplay. The right panel was the controls window that would disappear as players completed the movements listed
Flow chart of the game's states and possible information needed as players move through the game
Our Survivor, originally a child due to our scrapped nightmare concept, interacting with an item while the timer counts down
Final GIF of Survivor checking their Terminal to find current objectives and map
GIF of Main Menu Screens
End Screen of Survivor Lose/Monster Win Condition
What I Did + Learned
Created UI designs across different screens for the first time including main menu, pause, multiple end game conditions, terminal system for objectives and mini map, and health bar
Planned how to prioritize important information amongst screen’s text
As a UI/UX Artist, I…
Learned how to maintain a style across different visual elements
Prioritized fast readability when creating the in-game terminal screen due to the game’s design
What I Would Improve Upon
Animate the main menu and end condition screens to elevate the design
Use even less text when recreating this game to focus more on quick visual elements that the player needs