Escape with your paper intact before you lose your identity!
Working as a UI + Sound Designer
Created using Figma, Unity, Audacity, GarageBand and Reaper
Pliant is an isometric adventure game where you play as Terry, an anthropomorphic shapeshifting post-it who’s trying to find their way home. Puzzle solve you way out off the human’s desk to escape this place!
Progress Shots + Final Design
Game flow chart describing different state requirements the player must fulfill to continue and information need to be presented in the UI
Initial mood board showing inspiration, texture and materials to use in designs, and final thoughts regarding future action
Low fidelity pause menu screens made on Miro; pink post-its describe requirements of each screen and blue post-its include questions based on design
Transformation icons and accompanying in-game forms
Versions of Terry's icons for health degradation, where the tear progression was used for final design
Mock up version of gameplay with HUD elements, including the health icon in the top right corner, thought bubble tutorial UI, and scrapped pause icon
Death screen low fidelity design and details on functionality
Scrapped version of the death pop up
Current death pop up
Current screenshot of gameplay
What I Did + Learned
As a UI Designer, I…
Created low fidelity designs and communicated with team’s game designer and programmers discussing how to implement and improve upon assets
Collaborated with a fully remote team using scrum and an agile production cycle in a two month long development
Learned how to work in Unity to create/edit scenes and prefabs for each game state
Relied on low fidelity mock-ups to strategize information displayed with game designer and map out user’s game experience